Features in LiBai

LiBai provides many features out of the box. This section shows how to configure them step by step.

Automatic Mixed Precision Training

AMP stands for automatic mixed precision training. To enable AMP in LiBaiYou, add train.amp.enabled=True in your configuration file .


# import config
from .common.train import train

# get config
from libai.config import get_config
train = get_config("common/train.py").train

# enable amp
train.amp.enabled = True
# disable amp
train.amp.enabled = False

Gradient Clipping

Gradient clipping is a technique that tackles exploding gradients. The idea of gradient clipping is very simple: the gradient will be rescaled down if it gets too large.

LiBai supports gradient clipping in a convenient way, and you don’t have to implement it by yourself. You just need to add some settings to your configuration file to enable gradient clipping.

Note: We do not recommend writing gradient clipping by yourself, because naive gradient clipping may fail when using tensor parallel or pipeline parallel.


# import config
from .common.optim import optim

# get config
from libai.config import get_config
optim = get_config("common/optim.py").optim

# enable gradient clipping
optim.params.clip_grad_max_norm = 1.0
optim.params.clip_grad_norm_type = 2.0

# disable gradient clipping
optim.params.clip_grad_max_norm = None
optim.params.clip_grad_norm_type = None

clip_grad_max_norm and clip_grad_norm_type can be checked in API docs of oneflow.

Gradient Accumulation

Gradient accumulation is a common strategy to train large-scale models when memory becomes the bottleneck. This technique splits the mini-batch into several micro-batches, then performs normal forward and backward operations. Models will only be updated after accumulating the gradients of all these micro-batches.

Besides, when training with pipeline parallel, gradient accumulation makes different stages executed in different micro-batch in parallel. Therefore, the calculation of each stage can be overlapped.


# import config
from .common.train import train

# get config 
from libai.config import get_config
train = get_config("common/train.py").train

# enable grad accumulation for 4 steps
train.num_accumulation_steps = 4

# disable grad accumulation
train.num_accumulation_steps = None

Activation Checkpointing

To reduce GPU memory usage and deploy a large model to a training system, LiBai supports activation checkpointing. LiBai uses a Transformer layer as the unit of checkpointing, because the activation size bloats in the middle of a Transformer layer, so checkpointing the input of a Transformer layer is storage-efficient.

LiBai supports activation checkpointing by set_activation_checkpoint in GraphBase. So models using libai.layers.TransformerLayer support activation checkpointing by default. If you want to set activation checkpointing for customized layers, you need to override this function.

def set_activation_checkpoint(self):
    for module_block in self.model.modules():
        if isinstance(module_block.origin, TransformerLayer):
            module_block.config.activation_checkpointing = True


# import config
from .common.train import train

# get config 
from libai.config import get_config
train = get_config("common/train.py").train

# enable activation checkpointing
train.activation_checkpoint.enabled = True

# disable activation checkpointing
train.activation_checkpoint.enabled = False


Unlike normal data parallelism, where model states and gradients are replicated across data-parallel processes, Zero Redundancy Optimizer (ZeRO) partitions them across data-parallel processes, which can reduce memory footprint significantly.

  • Level 1: The optimizer states (e.g., for Adam optimizer, 32-bit weights, and the first and second moment estimates) are partitioned across the processes so that each process will only update its own partition.

  • Level 2: The reduced 32-bit gradients for updating the model weights are also partitioned so that each process retains only the gradients corresponding to its portion of the optimizer states.

Note: ZeRO only supports data parallel and pipeline parallel, or the combination of them. If you use tensor parallel in your training, make sure ZeRO is disabled.


# import config
from .common.train import train

# get config 
from libai.config import get_config
train = get_config("common/train.py").train

# enable zero 
train.zero_optimization.enabled = True

# enable zero for level-1
train.zero_optimization.stage = 1

# enable zero for level-2
train.zero_optimization.stage = 2

# disable zero
train.zero_optimization.enabled = False