Build New Project on LiBai

This is a basic guide to build new projects based on LiBai. The advantages of using LiBai to start a new project (such as paper reproduction and finetune task) are as follows:

  • Avoid redundant work. Developers can directly inherit many built-in modules from LiBai.

  • Easily reproduce the experiments already run, because LiBai will save the configuration file automatically.

  • Automatically output useful information during training time, such as remaining training time, current iter, throughput, loss information and current learning rate, etc.

  • Set a few config params to enjoy distributed training techniques.


Take the Bert Finetune task as an example to introduce LiBai.

The complete file structure of the project is:

├── configs
│   └──
│   └── ...
├── dataset
│   ├──
│   └── ...
├── modeling
│   ├──
│   └── ...

To start a new project based on LiBai step by step:

Step 1. Prepare an independent config file (such as which contains:

  • The relevant parameters of the task.

  • The pre-defined related Class, such as Model, Optimizer, Scheduler, Dataset.

  • You can inherit the default config in configs/common and rewrite it, which can greatly reduce the workload.

  • Related class defined with LazyCall which returns a dict instead of calling the object.

Step 2. Prepare a model file (such as :

  • Build related models in this file. The construction method is similar to OneFlow.

  • Because Libai will set up a static diagram by default, the calculation of loss needs to be inside the model.

  • The function forward must return a dict.

  • When defining a tensor in the model, you need to use to_global. Turn tensor into a global pattern.

  • When defining layers, you can import them directly from libai.layers, because it has already pre-defined the SBP signature.

Step 3. Prepare a dataset file (such as :

  • Build Dataset in this file. The construction method is similar to OneFlow.

  • The difference is that you need to use DistTensorData and Instance.

  • The shape of each batch must be global.

  • In __getitem__ function, the key returned by the method must be consistent with the parameter name of the forward function in the model.

Main Function Entry

tools/ is the default main function entry provided in LiBai.

Build Config

The in LiBai is special, which takes the form of lazyconfig and will be saved as .yaml at runtime. The config has several necessary fields, such as train, model, optim, lr_scheduler, graph. For more information, please refer to

All imported modules must take LiBai as the root directory. Otherwise, the saved yaml file cannot save the correct path of the module, resulting in an error when reading yaml, and the experiment cannot be reproduced.

After building the, if you want to get the corresponding fields in the project, you need to access like cfg.my_cfg.***.

Start Training

The file contains some parameters, such as GPUS, NODE, etc.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

python3 -m oneflow.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node $GPUS --nnodes $NODE --node_rank $NODE_RANK --master_addr $ADDR --master_port $PORT \
$FILE --config-file $CONFIG ${@:4}

After building the above modules, you can start training with single GPU.

Config can support both py files and generated yaml files.

bash projects/my_projects/ tools/ projects/my_projects/ 1