LiBai Model Zoo

To date, LiBai has implemented the following models:

Parallelism Mode in LiBai

A collection of parallel training strategies is supported in LiBai:

  • Data Parallel Training

  • Tensor Parallel Training

  • Pipeline Parallel Training

You can refer to OneFlow official tutorial to better understand the basic conception of parallelization techniques.

Supported Models in LiBai

For more details about the supported parallelism training on different models, please refer to the following table:

Model Data Parallel Tensor Parallel Pipeline Parallel
Vision Transformer
Swin Transformer - -

Additions: ✔ means you can train this model under specific parallelism techniques or combine two or three of them with ✔ for 2D or 3D paralleism training.


Here is the collection of baselines trained with LiBai. Due to our resource constraints, we will gradually release the training results in the future.

Main Results on ImageNet with Pretrained Models

ImageNet-1K Pretrained Models

Model Pretrain Resolution Acc@1 Acc@5 Download
ViT-Tiny w/o EMA ImageNet-1K 224x224 72.7 91.0 Config | Checkpoint
ViT-Small w/o EMA ImageNet-1K 224x224 79.3 94.5 Config | Checkpoint

Notes: w/o EMA denotes to models pretrained without Exponential Moving Average (EMA).