
LiBai provides an editable installation way for you to develop your own project based on LiBai’s framework.

Build LiBai from Source

  • Clone this repo:

git clone
cd libai
  • Create a conda virtual environment and activate it:

conda create -n libai python=3.8 -y
conda activate libai
  • Install the stable release of OneFlow with CUDA support. See OneFlow installation guide. To use latest LiBai(branch main), we highly recommend you install Nightly Oneflow

    • Stable

      python3 -m pip install --find-links oneflow==0.9.0+[PLATFORM]
    • Nightly

      python3 -m pip install --pre oneflow -f[PLATFORM]
    • All available [PLATFORM]:

      Platform CUDA Driver Version Supported GPUs
      cu117 >= 450.80.02 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx, A100, RTX 30xx
      cu102 >= 440.33 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx
      cpu N/A N/A
  • Install pybind11:

pip install pybind11
  • For an editable installation of LiBai:

pip install -e .