
class libai.evaluation.ClsEvaluator(topk=(1, 5))[source]

Evaluate accuracy for classification. The metrics range from 0 to 100 (instead of 0 to 1). We support evaluate different topk accuracy. You can reset cfg.train.topk=(1, 5, N) according to your needs.


Evaluate/summarize the performance after processing all input/output pairs.


A new evaluator class can return a dict of arbitrary format as long as the user can process the results. In our, we expect the following format:

  • key: the name of the task (e.g., Classification)

  • value: a dict of {metric name: score}, e.g.: {“Acc@1”: 75.0}

Return type


process(inputs, outputs)[source]

Process the pair of inputs and outputs.

pred_logits = outputs["prediction_scores"]
labels = inputs["labels"]
# do evaluation on pred_logits/labels pair
  • inputs (dict) – the inputs that’s used to call the model.

  • outputs (dict) – the return dict of model(**inputs)


Preparation for a new round of evaluation. Should be called before starting a round of evaluation.

class libai.evaluation.DatasetEvaluator[source]

Base class for a dataset evaluator. The function inference_on_dataset() runs the model over all samples in the dataset, and have a DatasetEvaluator to process the inputs/outputs. This class will accumulate information of the inputs/outputs (by process()), and produce evaluation results in the end (by evaluate()).


Evaluate/summarize the performance after processing all input/output pairs.


A new evaluator class can return a dict of arbitrary format as long as the user can process the results. In our, we expect the following format:

  • key: the name of the task (e.g., Classification)

  • value: a dict of {metric name: score}, e.g.: {“Acc@1”: 75.0}

Return type


process(inputs, outputs)[source]

Process the pair of inputs and outputs.

pred_logits = outputs["prediction_scores"]
labels = inputs["labels"]
# do evaluation on pred_logits/labels pair
  • inputs (dict) – the inputs that’s used to call the model.

  • outputs (dict) – the return dict of model(**inputs)


Preparation for a new round of evaluation. Should be called before starting a round of evaluation.


Expand a hierarchical dict of scalars into a flat dict of scalars. If results[k1][k2][k3] = v, the returned dict will have the entry {“k1/k2/k3”: v}.


results (dict) –

libai.evaluation.inference_on_dataset(model, data_loader, batch_size, eval_iter, get_batch: Callable, input_placement_device: str, evaluator: Optional[Union[libai.evaluation.evaluator.DatasetEvaluator, List[libai.evaluation.evaluator.DatasetEvaluator]]])[source]

Run model on the data_loader and evaluate the metrics with evaluator. Also benchmark the inference speed of model.__call__ accurately. The model will be used in eval mode.

  • model (callable) – a callable which takes an object from data_loader and returns some outputs. If it’s an nn.Module, it will be temporarily set to eval mode. If you wish to evaluate a model in training mode instead, you can wrap the given model and override its behavior of .eval() and .train().

  • batch_size – batch size for inference

  • data_loader – an iterable object with a length. The elements it generates will be the inputs to the model.

  • eval_iter – running steps for evaluation

  • get_batch – a Callable function for getting data from dataloader

  • input_placement_device – used in get_batch, set it to cuda or cpu. see input_placement_device in for more details.

  • evaluator – the evaluator(s) to run. Use None if you only want to benchmark, but don’t want to do any evaluation.


The return value of evaluator.evaluate()


Print main metrics in a particular format so that they are easy to copypaste into a spreadsheet.


results (OrderedDict[dict]) – task_name -> {metric -> score} unordered dict can also be printed, but in arbitrary order