Distributed Configuration

In LiBai, you can try out different parallel strategies by simply changing the distributed config in training config file.

# Distributed arguments

        # users must set the `pipeline_num_layers` attribute when `pipeline_parallel_size > 1`
        # users could customize the number of layers in different stages
        # by setting the `custom_pipeline_stage_id ` attribute which is used for
        # manually balance calculation between stages when running pipeline parallelism
        # e.g. you can set `custom_pipeline_stage_id=[0, 0, 0, 1]`
        # for `pipeline_num_layers=4 and pipeline_parallel_size=2`
        # which means the first 3 layers will be placed on stage0 and
        # the last layer will be placed on stage1
        # NOTE: if it is None, LiBai will automatically set pipeline_stage_id
        # `auto_pipeline_stage_id` and `actual_pipeline_stage_id` will be saved in `config.yaml`

For example, you can set data_parallel_size=2 which will automatically split the input data into two groups for data parallel training.

Distributed Setting Example

Here are some simple examples for you to understand the basic configuration of LiBai’s distributed settings. LiBai’s BERT model supports three parallelism techniques (data parallel training, tensor parallel training and pipeline parallel training). Take 1 node with 8 GPUs as an example. If you do not change any default settings, LiBai will execute data parallel training by default. You can try out different combinations of parallelism training techniques by updating bert config file as follows:

Pure Data Parallel Training on 8 GPUs

In this example, the model is replicated on 8 GPUs, and each replica handles only part of the input data during iteration.

from .common.train import train

train.dist.data_parallel_size = 8

Pure Tensor Parallel Training on 8 GPUs

In this example, the weight of the layers in the model will be split into 8 parts for tensor parallel training on 8 GPUs.

from .common.train import train

train.dist.tensor_parallel_size = 8

Note: This only works for models built with libai.layers.

Pure Pipeline Parallel Training on 8 GPUs

In this example, 8 GPUs will be split into 8 stages, and different layers of the model will be put on different stages automatically for pipeline parallel training.

from .common.train import train

train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size = 8

train.dist.pipeline_num_layers = model.cfg.hidden_layers


  • train.dist.pipeline_num_layers must be set consistent with the model layers. If unset, it will use the default value 1000, which might trigger unexpected behavior.

  • For models which have been configured with pipeline parallelism(e.g., BERT, GPT-2, T5 and ViT), you can simply update the distributed config to execute pipeline parallel training on them. If you need to train your own model with pipeline parallel strategy, please refer to Write Models for more details about configuring your own model with pipeline parallelism.

Data Parallel + Tensor Parallel for 2D Parallel Training on 8 GPUs

In this example, 8 GPUs will be split into 2 groups, and each group contains 4 GPUs. The input data will be split into 2 parts by chunking in the batch dimension for data parallel training between 2 groups. The model is replicated between 2 data-parellel groups. Within each group, the weight of each layers will be splited across 4 GPUs for tensor parallel training.

from .common.train import train

train.dist.data_parallel_size = 2
train.dist.tensor_parallel_size = 4

Here we provide a specific example for you to understand this. We number 8 GPUs from 0 to 7, e.g., [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], and for data parallel + tensor parallel, 8 GPUs will be split into 2 groups as [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]], GPU: [0, 1, 2, 3] as group-0 and GPU: [4, 5, 6, 7] as group-1. The model is replicated between group-0 and group-1. In group-0, the model will execute tensor parallel between GPU: [0, 1, 2, 3]. In group-1, the model will execute tensor parallel between GPU: [4, 5, 6, 7], and each group only handle a portion of the input data for data parallel training.

Data Parallel + Pipeline Parallel for 2D Parallel Training on 8 GPUs

In this example, 8 GPUs will be split into 4 stages. Each stage contains 2 GPUs which will be split into 2 data-parallel groups. Each stage only contains a portion of the model. The weight of the layers put on the specific stage is replicated on 2 data-parallel groups. Each group handles a portion of the input data.

from .common.train import train

train.dist.data_parallel_size = 2
train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size = 4

train.dist.pipeline_num_layers = model.cfg.hidden_layers

Tensor Parallel + Pipeline Parallel for 2D Parallel Training on 8 GPUs

In this example, 8 GPUs will be split into 4 stages, each stage contains 2 GPUs as a group. And different layers in the model will be put on different stages automatically for pipeline parallel training. The weight of the layers put on the specific stage will be split into 2 parts for tensor parallel training within the group.

from .common.train import train

train.dist.tensor_parallel_size = 2
train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size = 4

train.dist.pipeline_num_layers = model.cfg.hidden_layers

Data Parallel + Tensor Parallel + Pipeline Parallel for 3D Parallel Training on 8 GPUs

In this example, 8 GPUs will also be split into 2 stages, and different layers in the model will be put on different stages for pipeline parallel training. Each stage only contains a portion of the whole model, and each stage will be split into 2 groups. In each stage, the model will be replicated between 2 data-parallel groups, and each data-parallel group contains 2 GPUs. The input data will be split into 2 parts by chunking in the batch dimension for data-parallel training between 2 data-parallel groups. Within each group, the weight of each layer will be split across 2 GPUs for tensor parallel training.

from .common.train import train

train.dist.data_parallel_size = 2
train.dist.tensor_parallel_size = 2
train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size = 2

train.dist.pipeline_num_layers = model.cfg.hidden_layers

Note: train.dist.data_parallel_size will be automatically calculated by (gpu_nums / (tensor_parallel_size * pipeline_parallel_size)) if only train.dist.tensor_parallel_size and train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size are set. For example:

from .common.train import train
# only set tensor_parallel_size and pipeline_parallel_size
train.dist.tensor_parallel_size = 2
train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size = 2

train.dist.pipeline_num_layers = model.cfg.hidden_layers

And the data_parallel_size will be automatically set to (8 / (2 * 2)) = 2

Set custom_pipeline_stage_id for Load Balance

In most cases, the transformer layers of common models have the same computational overhead, so there is no need to set custom_pipeline_stage_id.

But when transformer layers have unbalanced computational overhead, you can set custom_pipeline_stage_id for manually balance the compuation between stages in pipeline_parallelism

For example:

train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size = 4
train.dist.pipeline_num_layers = 24
train.dist.custom_pipeline_stage_id = [0]*6 + [1]*7 + [2]*7 + [3]*4

It means you have [6, 7, 7, 4] layers separately located in stage0~stage3. Modify custom_pipeline_stage_id according to your own needs.

Update Distributed Config with Command Line

You can also control the parallelization strategy by command line parameters as follows:

bash tools/train.sh tools/train_net.py configs/bert_large_pretrain.py \
8 \  # num of gpus
train.dist.data_parallel_size=2 \
train.dist.tensor_parallel_size=2 \
train.dist.pipeline_parallel_size=2 \